Table Rock Lake - Memorial Day 2005

The dock -


Saturday night sunset


Saturday night sunset 2


Das boat


More sunset


View of the cabins from the dock


So there's this cliff that everyone was jumping off, and we had all done it the day before.  Notice the little girl on the left up top there.  I had my camera prepped and ready up to my face for a half hour trying to get her to jump so I could take a picture!!!  She never jumped.  I killed a full battery just waiting for her to make the plunge.  It's funny, because just the day before, she had jumped 3 times!!!  The significance of the girl, is that she is the daughter of one of the folks we were with over the weekend.


Floating child...weird


This was pretty funny...when the guy pulled the dog out of the water, he was still swimming in mid-air!  too cute...


Here's s Chris trying to get Kirby (the girl from above) to jump off the cliff.  Needless to say, he was unsuccessful.


Chillin' in das boat (Jon up close, and Chris & his dad up front)


Random pic


Chris skiing


Spraying Terry's boat